Passing of Prof Marcello Costa

Our community is saddened by the passing of Marcello Costa on April 14, 2024. We lost a dear friend, colleague and mentor.  Marcello was a pioneer in the field of neuroscience, and particularly also in our field of neurogastroenterology and motility. He shaped the field tremendously, with his incisive intellect, innovative approaches to research questions and contagious curiosity. He was an inclusive leader, a wonderful mentor, a generous colleague, and so many of us have also lost a dear friend, with a fabulous sense of humour, so many diverse interests, a longing for adventure, and always time for a chat that often turned into a deep political or philosophical conversation.

We remember Marcello fondly, with deep gratitude and respect for everything that he has gifted to us, both as individuals and as scientists in our field.

His career and life is celebrated in this obituary in Neurogastroenterology and Motility:

Prof Christine Feinle-Bisset


National Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Conference


Lake Hayes Motility Summit 2024