ANGMA awards
ANGMA is committed to supporting our members with awards for different activities.
Our inaugural FNM Travel award is now open for 2024!
ANGMA FNM Travel Award 2024
We are excited to announce applications are now open for the inaugural ANGMA International FNM travel awards!
3 awards of $2,500 AUD will be available to support early career researchers travelling to the FNM meeting in Bangkok, 6-8 Nov 2024!
This application is open to ANGMA members less than 5 years* post-PhD who currently have a first-author abstract accepted for presentation at FNM. This includes:
Postgraduate Research Fellows
Advanced Trainees in Gastroenterology
Basic Physician Trainees
Students who are currently enrolled in a PhD
* 5 years at time of application close. Career disruptions will be taken into consideration.
Applications will be assessed (relative to opportunity) based on:
Significance to the field of NGM (25%)
Applicant’s contribution to the project (25%)
Impact of conference attendance to the applicant’s career development (25%)
Applicant’s track record (25%)
Applications will close 5pm (AEST) 30 August 2024, with outcomes announced by mid-September.

“Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.”
— John Dewey
For more information, please contact: info@angma.org.au